wip - sort of...

i decided to work on my belly and watch the first two episodes of project runway last night instead of crafts. plus i can hardly stand to take pictures at night. i hate using my flash, but the alternative is dark blurry pictures. who wants to see my w.i.ps like that? i know i dont. i have a nice stack of baby gifts almost finished. i am sure they will be making appearances next week. instead how about some vanilla ice cream, raspberries and mini chocolate chips? yes please! have a wonderful weekend everyone. we got some rain last night so the 100 plus temps have finally broken. hello 80's!
Yum! My stomache is growlllllling. I chose to sleep last night instead of attacking my huge list of TO DOs. Sleep and ice cream are very necessary, even if not officially on the list.
Ok, this is the second ice-cream post I have seen today and we have NO ice cream in our house [sigh!]. You must have sent the hot weather to Portland...its supposed to be 102 today! Have a great weekend!
oy yummy! with mini-chips? now that really puts it over the top!
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