random randomness

so yeah, there went thanksgiving. and you know what's next. crazy huh? i'd ask where this year went, but i've been saying it so much lately i'm even annoying myself with the question. instead i'll just post a bunch of random stuff that has been rolling around in my head lately. first up, i'd like to wish my friend john a happy birthday. a man of style and taste, who knows how to throw a good party and has a most excellent wife. heck of a friend. what's not to like there? second, a big fat thank you to my dad for creating yet another delicious thanksgiving dinner. i was so full and sleepy that not once did i touch my camera. i used what little brain power i had to think about my camera, but couldn't make my body move to get it. oh well. you know. third, and perhaps most random, i was thinking a lot about the past today. let me get there. i took a long, round about way to drive to my parents house to pick up the kids this afternoon. i even stopped and did a little grocery shopping. the whole time i had this strange feeling that i was going to run into someone i know, but i never did. as i finished up my shopping it finally dawned on me that i haven't lived in that town for about 15 years. in my head it is frozen in time. i drove down roads that were once just pastures and farms, and now it's just sub division after subdivision. it was just such a strange feeling. i had all these high school memories bumping around in my head. i told you this was random. so bear with me. fourth and final random thought (that i put here anyway) do you think pride & prejudice would work if the roles were switched? i mean, if elizabeth was high society, had a huge fortune, and darcy were some witty, down and out country gentleman? maybe? i've been consuming p&p again like crazy. i have no idea why. ok. so there you have it.
no. I don't think it would. I feel like if elizabeth was high society, she wouldn't be able to sacrifice her pride in the end like darcy does. that's how it plays in my head. but maybe I'm just saying that because I associate keira knightly too much with lizzie? and I think SHE would have too much pride?
holy cow hannah, great question!!
Funny that you ask that question about P&P. I just saw the movie for the FIRST TIME EVER last Tuesday at a friends house, and I asked myself the same thing.
Good question, lady! :)
Great photo!
Re the p&p obsession (which I share), go and have a look at this:
I just bought the dishtowel.
I love rambling posts of thoughts.
Glad to hear you had a wonderful feast. I too, am astonished that we have hit December.
Oh P&P....love love love that book. I've been feeling the urge to spend all my time curled up watching old movies lately.
i'm more random than you.
you're making want to read that book. and now i'm going to read your new 1000 words story, yay....
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