for you

as sad as i am to see summer go, i'm ready for a change of clothes. granted if i had my way, it would never ever get any colder than 50 degrees. the perfect temperature for cute sweaters, blazers, and even a nice little jacket. not nearly cold enough for things like down coats and frozen fingertips & toes. this fall i'm building my wardrobe around the christian dior boys wool blazer i found thrifting. yeah, you read that right, christian dior. i won't get that lucky for at least another three years, as i am the world's worst thrifter. but enough about clothes, because as far as i'm concerned clothes are just an excuse to pick out a pair of SHOES. i'm on the hunt for a pair of oxfords this fall. i've got my eye on the rachel comey derringer at habitat. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that the size 6 is a small 6. very very small. but let's talk about sexy. because i've been tapping into my sexy shoe side. i was in habitat a few weeks ago and they had just gotten in the heel you see in the photos above, it's the odanak from coclico. people. first let me tell you that it is a genius mix of heel & bootie, second let me tell you that the leather that wraps around your ankle feels like BUTTER. seriously, it's the softest leather i've ever felt, i wanted to sit there and pet it. and here is the best part yet, besides this shoe being ridiculously sexy, it was also incredibly comfortable. so where am i going with all this? well today through sunday you can shop online and get 20% off new shoes, boots and handbags, just enter the code newfall20 and that my friends, is how this is for you. woot!!
WOW-those odanaks are superb!
love the boots. you look very city, miss hannah.
Man, I ALMOST bought a pair of boots yesterday from Habitat, and then I just saw your coupon so I bought 'em right now and saved like $35 bucks! Stoked! Thank you! :)
can't believe you found a christian dior blazer... so lucky! been thinking about going thrifting today and although i don't really have the time i just might now...
p.s.: love your brown boots, too!
Girl, you look hot! You brought sexy back with those shoes, boots and JACKET! Now, I want to go've given me hope!
oh, the shoe/booties are sick-awesome. you look smokin!!!
hey hot stuff, i like your new banner.
hannah, you are too cool for school. needs to rub off on me!
wow, i'm kind of obsessed with finding those boots now. they're out of stock on the site :(
Check you out with your cute little legs and feet!
hi huff. sorry i named you. had to do it. keeping doing what you do! your work is infectious - in the best way art intends.
i want those shoes!!! ughhh they're sold out on the Habitat website :(
Love the jeans too. You look great! A blazer and jeans is my standard look too. Who makes your jeans?
If you don't mind me asking, what kind of camera do you use. I'm looking for a new one, and I want to make it a really worthwhile puchase.
That jacket is an amazing find.
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