
ever since i can remember i've always had the itch to live some where different. try some place new. lucky for me i married someone with the exact same itch. and while we thought something like this would happen sooner, we know, with certainty that there were greater forces at work writing our story. dictating our time line. don't get me wrong. we railed, we whined, we wondered how to make it work for years. little did we know, that the whole time tiny cogs were clicking into place. making connections and ties that would prove invaluable. so that when the perfect time came, we would slap our foreheads in wonder. smile like idiots and say of course. of course that's how things would work out. so with many prayers of thanks. many tears of goodbye, many friends here and there wishing us well. huffmans move westward. southern california, here we come!
ps. little blue house, i will miss you. you were good to us. the best first home anyone could ask for. i take back all the mean things i said about you. and i hope someone who will love you like we do makes their home with you. who could resist that porch? who??
Hannah! You write so beautifully about this transition. It's inspiring to me on our own journey.
Wishing you all the best of peaceful days as you say goodbye...and hello!! (Sunshine and beaches??!! Oh my!!)
KCK will miss you greatly. Good Luck.
soulemama is right, this is written so beautifully. there is so much in store for you! enjoy your move westward :)
i am so excited for the huffmans. but try to look for a place with a porch in cali, okay?? someday i want to come over for a porch-sit.
how exciting!!! where in california? my boyfriend has the LA itch right now. I've never been, so we're visiting in the fall. maybe someday we'll be kind of neighbors.
oh oh so very exciting. can't wait to see where you end up.
I am so happy for you guys and can't wait for our next porch sit. much much love from the far west.
well then, southern california, here i come! (for a visit :)
oh hannah, this is seriously the best news ever. so much love and good wishes to you huffmans. x
I have no doubt that SoCal has been ready and waiting for you all. Welcome! xo
you will love love love Cali. the funny thing is...you guys seem to already fit...the kids' styles...your beautiful, brilliant, often stunting photography...trust me, you'll fit and love it. if you get a chance, visit my old alum/living/stomping grounds, Davis, California---now that place, you'll dig like no other.
we're all lucky though, you can take huffmania right with you...i look forward to keeping up...try not to become too overwhelmed by all there is to photograph...your eye is so specific and like a fingerprint...all the best!
blogbuddy (or at least in my mind), renee
Happy travels!
i feel like all your good news is like getting good news of our own-- i am so excited.
many congratulations! where in CA? we are in NorCal. xx
oh hannah! i am so excited!!
i love it when great things happen to good people.
Am I the ONLY person that thinks this completely sucks?!!! What other woman in KC will get my 'that's what she said' comments??
jmac - i think it sucks too...i mean...sucks for you...
david, i'll miss you too.
Beautifully said- and welcome to Socal! If you haven't settled on a place, might I recommend Long Beach?
That is so exciting! Wishing you all the best on your new adventure.
I will miss seeing Kansas City through your eyes, I've never been there but feel like I've glimpsed a little corner of it through your posts over the years. It will be good to see a bit of Southern California the same way.
How exciting! I can't wait to see the new adventures you'll be having.
Forehead slapping moments are the best. So happy to hear that the pieces are all there. Congratulations and best wishes to you all!
oof - i wish i didn't already own a house! your little home is adorable!
oooh, hey! super exciting. i, too, have serious wanderlust and am planning a westward move in a year or two. all the best to you!
oh my goodness, how exciting! looking forward to seeing your new life on the westside :0)
Oh Hannah I am so very happy to hear this news. xoxo
congrats! such exciting news!
Well. If this doesn't have hot-diggity! written ALL over it.
speaking as a west coaster and for all west coasters, we welcome you with open arms!
i hope the transition goes well...
so exciting...
wow! this is going to be some crazy big adventure for you and your family. wishing you all the best!
Hello! I am new to your site and I'm not sure how I even found it? Accidentally? Google image searching something? Either way, I am absolutely captivated by your photos. They offer great inspiration. It is no surprise because I see that I am not the only one marveling at your phots. Also, your post couldn't have described my similiar feeling of my own aboutwanting to move to a new place. This post made me feel less scared to take that chance.
So, Thank you! Great work too.
From San Diego, welcome to California! Looking forward to reading about your big adventure.
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